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by HeMoXian

Hemoxian UTX-6030 Over Zero Tastier Model Kit Limited Version Colour

Hemoxian UTX-6030 Over Zero Tastier Model Kit Limited Version Colour

Regular price $109.99 CAD
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Hemoxian UTX-6030 Over Zero Tastier Model Kit Limited Version Colour

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        Customer Reviews

        Based on 1 review
        Rick Rivera
        Hemoxian for Cool Unique Models, Cool Dragon for Rare and Exclusive Kits

        Over the last year, I've become a huge fan of Hemoxian. They're relatively new, at least in the West, and their kits are just fun and interesting builds that offer something fresh if you're a bit burnt out on Gundam-style mecha. Legion of Thor was a great initial kit, but both Tastier and Lone Shadow are absolute bangers. After building the standard version of Tastier, I knew I would have to hunt down any limited versions.

        And, even though everyone else was sold out, or selling the kit for an exorbitant amount, Cool Dragon was able to track one down for me for, like, $20 USD more than the standard version, which is a steal for a limited kit, in my opinion. Took a bit, but I couldn't be happier all around.