Parts Replacement Form

To request replacement parts, kindly complete the replacement parts form before placing an order.

For Metal Build/Metal Robot Spirits, we will require specific pictures of the replacement parts to be sent as follow-up confirmations.

We will check availability and respond within one to two business days.

Be sure to include the kit name, runner, and part number in the comment section of the form.

Orders placed without prior confirmation will be automatically canceled.

The order for replacement parts cannot be placed with other items and can only be shipped. If placed with other items or selected pickup in the Toronto warehouse, the order will be cancelled.

If a cancellation is issued, a $5 processing fee will be deducted from the follow up refund.

When placing your order, please include the kit name, runner, and part number in the order note section.

Please be aware: There is no refund on the order once is it confirmed.

Price Tiers:

($5)-Up to two pieces for kits priced under $50

($10)-Up to two pieces for kits priced from $50-$100

($20)-Up to two pieces for kits priced from $100-$200

($30)-Up to two pieces for kits priced above $200

For Metal Build/Metal Robot Spirits please check with Customer Service

Formulaire de contact